Welcome to Kai Rho Contracting.
Kai Rho owners are traditional owners across the Goldfields and Murchison regions. From the Mirning traditional lands in the south to the Nangaanya-Ku, Nyulpa Pirniku, and Kultju lands in the northern Goldfields region, and to the Meenangu Wajarri Yamatji in the Murchison Region.
who we are
Our mission is to leverage every opportunity to supply services in the mining and civil industries for the betterment of the community, so that Aboriginal people can be the drivers of our own destiny.
what we do
Kai Rho Contracting provides civil construction and mining services in regional Western Australia.
how we work
High levels of performance, a reliable and safely supplied service, and a full understanding of client needs on every project is what drives the service and culture at Kai Rho.